Valicity Garris


Someone who loves to combine her faith with fiction.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I have always written. As part of school assignments or just for fun. I don't remember the exact moment I decided that writing was what I wanted to do, but I know it happened when I was in seventh grade. I remember carrying around a small notebook to write down everything that popped into my head, I was just thinking, 'One day someone else will read this and they'll love it as much as I do.'
What are you working on next?
I'd like to finish the series I'm writing now, but I'm still dabbling in other genres. I want to write contemporary fiction, I feel like there are a lot of issues that writing could bring awareness to. You just need the right character and the right story.
Read more of this interview.

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Smashwords book reviews by Valicity Garris

  • Spring Thaw on Jan. 20, 2016

    This is actually a really good and a really emotional romance. I’m really not a fan of romance at all, especially Christian romance because it can be really dull but boy did Fish prove me wrong! I went into this with a positive mindset because the author is a fellow Christian so I was ready to give a biased review, admittedly. But I’ll be happy to say that there was no bribing necessary, Fish’s story was great all on its own. The protagonist is such a downer. That might sound insulting but you have to get to know Selena to appreciate the beauty behind her character. In some ways I could see myself, and many women, in her shoes. Just drifting through life, ready to settle because you’re tired from the lack and the struggle. But little did Selena know, her hard times were a blessing in disguise. The development in this story was great. It read like a gentle romance, whispering sweet dreams to you in your sleep. This book is romantic without being raunchy. Its passionate without being X-rated steamy. It is something that all women—and even men—could read and enjoy, at any age, of any belief system. I liked the transition in Selena’s faith. How she stayed strong and lived through her troubles. There was a time where she began to doubt and feel angry but that only seemed natural in her situation. As a reader, I got to watch her grow and sit back watching her pray her way through. Even through her doubt and anger, she became stronger as the pages turned and I think that complimented the story in a very positive way. I’ve read books about arranged marriages before but never between two consenting adults. So this was a story that was different for me right from the start. It reminded me of the old movie ‘Original Sin’ with Angelina Jolie. It’s a similar story in which a man is simply seeking a wife to keep his house from being empty but they end up falling in love. Here we have a man looking for a mother for his son. I really thought that would complicate things, having a child involved, but it only made way for more story progression and character development. Not to mention a good chance to incorporate the author’s faith. All in all, I loved this book and I highly recommend it to readers of all ages. Fans of romance will definitely love this story but Christian readers will appreciate it the most. *I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*