Vipin Thandrai


I am a Highly Experienced Author and a Naturalist. I write most of my eBooks about Environmental Science. I do write eBooks on World Recipes & Internet Marketing too...
I am more into Providing the Public... How to conserve Natural Resources. I am here to provide High Quality eBooks @Lowest Cost affordable for everyone to purchase and Implement the Ideas/ Tips/Tactics taught in my eBook.
I will be proud to have my eBooks bought by different ages who have the clear intention to learn more before having the thought of protecting natural Resources..

Dear Friends...
Don't get into any kind of Hassles without Knowing much about What you are going to do in Future. It is like, wasting your Precious Time & Money.

Thank You

Smashwords Interview

What are you working on next?
Saving Energy - Learn How to save energy like electricity/ heat/ water/ etc without changing our Lifestyle.
This book will encourage everyone to follow some simple steps in conserving energy resources with in our household. Make the most out of it, cut your electricity bills, save money, Save the earth from avoiding environmental violence.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Millions of Readers with High expectations and the zeal to know/learn new things every day. This motivates me a author to Anticipate the Expectant's needs and try to meet them with full Confidence
Read more of this interview.


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