Joanne McClean


Cynic, hopeless romantic, eccentric, daydreamer, nerd, music lover, movie goer, loner, coffee addict, bookworm & writer.

What is life if you don't have a dream to chase?

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I first started writing stories when I was about 9. I loved Creative Writing when I was younger and used to amuse my teachers with my stories.
When I got older, my writing took a back seat. It wasn't until I was 15 and took up English Lit. to study that I found my love of writing again.
It was then, 3 years later, that I went on to write The Secret Life of Jamie Sykes and I haven't looked back since.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in the small town of Armagh in Northern Ireland. When I was younger, there wasn't a lot to do and you had to make your own fun. Then there was the fact that the estate I grew up in didn't have a lot of other children that I could socialise with. Hence why I became interested in books.
There is just something magical about books. They could transport me from my bedroom into a completely different world where anything could happen.
I became interested in writing in my early teens but didn't take it seriously until I finished school.
My first novel came to me on a bus journey home and since then I was hooked.
Read more of this interview.

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