N. WS. Jokela


N. WS. Jokela, more commonly known as WindySilver, is a Finnish IT student and a hobbyist artist fighting a war against procrastination on the losing side. When her free time is not taken up by things like reading, procrastination, video games, watching series or more procrastination, she mainly writes sci-fi fanfiction and original flash fiction of various genres. While she dabbles in a lot of things ranging from digital art to jewelry to plants to whatever catches her interest, writing is her persistent forte.

You should not give her yet another crazy flash fiction challenge to take part in because she simply cannot say "no" to it.

Smashwords Interview

Describe your desk
The heart of my desk is my laptop. Everything else I have on it, whether it's deck boxes full of duplicate Pokémon cards I have yet to get rid of, office supplies I may or may not ever need, my phone and 3DS, papers or random items that have made their way there for one reason or another, are around it. If my laptop ever moves to another part of the desk, so will everything else.

I believe a shorter way of describing it would be "a controlled chaos centered around my laptop".
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Discovering a different route that the characters want to take instead of following whatever plans I have managed to write down. Sometimes, they are a mere surprise while sometimes they throw a wrench in my plans and force me to rethink and replan. No matter the consequences of coming across them, those discoveries make writing stories expeditions to different worlds where the writer merely chronicles what they witness along the way.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find N. WS. Jokela online