Allan D. Fisher


Allan Fisher was born in San Jose, California in 1934, the third of four children born to Elliott and Margaret Fisher. His father was a Methodist minister, his mother, an immigrant from Scotland.
Allan received a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Rutherford, New Jersey and spent two years in graduate study at San Jose State University in California. He entered the healthcare industry in 1964 and shortly thereafter, became President of a chain of hospitals. Since then, he has continuously served as either President or Chairman of some of the larger healthcare companies in the country.
In addition to healthcare, Allan is heavily involved with the Boy Scouts of America. He became a member of the National Executive Board in 1985 and is the recipient of the Scouts’ highest volunteer award, the Silver Buffalo.
Over the years, Allan has had considerable experience in motivational speaking. He acquired his love of humor from his father, along with the sense for “timing” that is all-important to a humorist. He has also served as MC at an untold number of Rotary Demotions, Community Roasts and Scouting functions around the country.
Following the publishing of “The Roast Book,” a 500-page collection of short and longer stories, many readers indicated they weren’t very good at telling longer stories but they could handle the one and two liners. In 2002, he published “American Humors Best One & Two Liners.” “Leave ‘em Laughing,” published in 2005, presents a variety of both short and longer stories for every occasion! In 2009, he combined his love of cooking and telling great jokes in "Marinate the Cook!"

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