Brenda Peterson, The Layoff Lady


Hi, all. My name is Brenda L. Peterson.

A long time ago in what feels like a galaxy far, far away, my paycheck from a struggling little tech start-up—one that doesn’t exist anymore—bounced.

Soon after, I took a new job with a large, established company. A few months in, the CEO retired, then a national tragedy rocked the country and sucker punched the economy.

One non-descript day in October, I went to work expecting a day full of not-particularly-exciting meetings. Instead, I found myself home early toting a white bankers box containing all of my formerly workly possessions and a document explaining how that job wasn’t mine anymore.
Brenda L. Peterson, The Layoff Lady

​Before then, the idea that my job might just up and ending one day was outside my realm of possibility.

All told, I’ve had a grand total of seven workdays that started with lots of obligations, then quickly evaporated into unemployment.

To learn more about my story--and how to manage your anxiety around being newly laid off, your job transition, or your desire to build your own career resilience in case it happens to you--join me as I share my lessons learned from being a part of this circus many, many times.

Where to find Brenda Peterson, The Layoff Lady online