BS Dolphin


B.S. Dolphin, living in Tennessee, has enjoyed freelance creative writing for numerous years. Holding a BS in Communication, she recently opted for creativity verses technical writing due to an imagination running amok. Writing for various clients, short stories on erotic blog sites, and self published; she mixes action with romance and rolls it in dark conflict on a daily basis. Ghostwriting for various contracts has granted a plethora of knowledge and feedback. Release into the ocean of writers under her own name has been a learning process. Recognizing the twisting loops within the learning curve has been thrilling. She is now eagerly racing around the next bend.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
As far back as I can remember, I've loved to write stories. Starting out with poetry, I quickly transitioned into short stories. When I started college, my creativity went wild!
What's the story behind your latest book?
I have many factors that go into writing a story. Most of the time, something in my own life spurs the premise but sometimes simply watching a new TV show may spawn an idea. The story I'm currently working on came to me while watching a reality show about Alaskan pilots.
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