Cyndia Rios-Myers


Cyndia Rios-Myers is a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania based writer who enjoys running, reading, long hikes, and good laughs. You can keep up with her musings on her Facebook page, at, or on Twitter at @criosmyers.

Smashwords Interview

What inspired you to start writing?
There were stories in my head and in my heart that were not in other books. Also, I've always been a daydreamer and an introvert; I loved playing the "What If" game in my head - what if I'd said yes, what if he'd said no, what if I had gone left instead of right... Writing allowed me to live out fantasies that had taken residence in my head. What was great about that was that once the stories were told, new ones would move in to take the spots of the old ones.
What is your favorite genre to write?
Women's fiction with a touch of romance. I love the road to recovery that women must walk once they've made a mistake or bad choice in life. There is so much to be learned from that journey! I also like writing about what happens to my protagonists once they've found love. I've been fortunate enough to find my happy ending with my husband, but the truth is that relationships keep moving and evolving. I love taking the reader on a trip through someone else's relationship and what makes them work.
Read more of this interview.


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