Dana Christy

Smashwords Interview

How do you discover the ebooks you read?
My first source is always my friends. My core group of friends are avid readers and we constantly share the newest and most interesting books we've read. Second is goodreads.com. I love this website. I connect with other readers, see what they are reading and see what books are gaining great support. If you're not already a member of goodreads, I suggest you check it out. You can also find my authors page there and ask me questions.
Dana Christy
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Oh sure. It was actually a really scary story. A true Horror story about a mysterious killer that was murdering children in a small town. I started writing it my senior year of high school and never finished. I am a BIG BIG fan of Stephen King so that story was greatly influenced by him. The next story I wrote was a children's book. I was teaching special education kindergarten at the time and I would write fun little kid stories that they found very entertaining. I never had them published but I still hold on to them.
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