Danny F. Santos


Danny is a freelance writer, author, and content creator for traditional and new media. He is currently hard at work on his Aeonlith Saga fantasy series as well as writing for several blogs which you can find below.

Smashwords Interview

What's the story behind your latest book?
I spent years trying to crack a very complex fantasy series but it turned out that I don't have the skill set to write it just yet because of it's narrative structure so I decided to do something that was far more linear.

Going back to the drawing board I was trying to choose between a science-fiction series set on a far away world or a fantasy series set in a post-apocalypse Earth. In the end, I realized that both stories shared a similar theme and could intersect each other in a very fun way which created a much larger and far more complicated world.

The Keystone Staff itself was a difficult book to work out because it needed to introduce the world but also be a brisk fantasy adventure. When the series is complete, you'll find a lot more was written in that book than you previously realize.
Describe your desk
You know that dream Sarah Connor has in Terminator 2: Judgement Day? It kind of looks like that.
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Where to find Danny F. Santos online


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