
Smashwords book reviews by DreamyK

  • Dont Ever Change on July 03, 2011

    I love the idea behind this story that things that are written in yearbooks come true. It was interesting how Adam adapted to the mantra "don't ever change!" and how that played out in the years that followed.
  • Claimed on July 03, 2011

    This was a great read that I simply could not put down. The characters are well written (especially Flint) and the author had a great feel for all things Alaskan. I really enjoyed it. A Kindle Keeper!
  • A Bride for Tom on July 16, 2011

    Nice book for a freebie but the story didn't quite gel for me. The behavior this hero engages in would send most women running and yet our heroine overlooks it/finds it endearing. The books I have read from this author are from the pioneer era, which I enjoy, but the dialogue the characters employ is distinctly from this era as is the behavior of the heroine, which is a bit jarring.
  • The Geek Job on July 28, 2011

    Excellent book. This is the second book by this author that I have read and I am very impressed. I have a rather large collection of erotica and this book is definitely a Kindle Keeper. I loved how she wrote the heroine in this book as well as the transformation of our hero. Thanks, Eve, look forward to reading more of your books.