Bradley Blackthorn


I have always considered myself a writer, although I have only finished one manuscript, usually I spend my time writing in my journal or blogging my thoughts and ideas about current events.

I was never much of a reader until I bought an eReader in July 2011, and since then I've found myself reading book after book. I love gay romantic books, especially those that are historical/period pieces or fantasy. I fell in love with several- "Raised by Wolves" series by WA Hoffman, "The Silurian" series by LA Wilson, and "Lancelot and the Wolf" by Sarah Luddington.

I don't enjoy pornographic novels, I love romance and stories about undying love.

I am the type of person who can sit and read for eight hours or more in one sitting, and it bothers me a lot when authors write in a style that jars me out of the story. I have experienced instances when an author will elude to something, by saying something like, "I didn't know at the time how this event would come back to haunt me"- that totally jerks you out of the flow and makes you sit and think about what they meant or dwell on the foreboding statement. Or worse, an author will start changing perspectives, trying to give you viewpoints or experiences from various other characters. That is the worst kind of distraction and really makes it almost impossible to get into the story and enjoy it- because you are so busy trying to figure out WHOSE view you are now reading from and then try to get into the groove of their viewpoint. Stephenie Myer did a good job with the fourth book of the "Twilight" saga, "Breaking Dawn", but she only shifted perspectives twice and did it perfectly- but she is the rare exception- most authors never pull it off, yet their ego dares them to try, and then the story and readers suffer for it.

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Smashwords book reviews by Bradley Blackthorn

  • A Knight's Tale: Kenilworth on Dec. 24, 2021

    I really enjoyed this book, and I had high expectations for the second, but was actually quite disappointed.
  • A Knight's Tale: Montargis on Dec. 24, 2021

    As noted in my review of the previous book, I did thoroughly enjoy the first book. However, this second book showed Will to be nothing but a flake who seems more caught up in himself and his 'urges' than caring about Stephen. Furthermore, I was actually quite insulted how the author portrays 'gay' men in this series. In fact, apparently no men are actually fully 'gay' because she presents them as being able to jump in bed with a woman whenever they find one attractive. IMO, it seems she doesn't understand what being GAY means and assumes that all gay men are actually 'bi' and can find a woman attractive if they find the right one.