J Morgan Woodall


I'm a Southern writer from the Birmingham, Alabama area. I'm married to my lovely wife, have 2 great kids, and a lazy ol' dog (the VERY reason I picked him at the shelter.) I guess people would say I'm living the dream, and I probably couldn't argue. I'm pretty blessed. When I'm not writing, I am reading, listening to good music (which leaves out a lot of today's stuff), going to the movies with the family or travelling around trying to broaden my horizons.

I enjoy writing adult fiction and erotica. After all, who doesn't mind being a little naughty from time to time? People I don't wanna hang with, that's who! Let's face it, reading something hot stirs up the old hormones, releases endorphins, makes people feel good! This world could use a whole helluva lot more of that these days! As you may have already noticed, with me, what you see is what you get, subtlety has never been my style. Like fried chicken, Daisy Duke and football, my work has a decidedly down-home flavor. I always believe you write about what you know, and believe me, I know Southern.

Visit me at https://www.facebook.com/JMorganWoodall or if you're on Twitter I'm @jmorganwoodall. Thanks

Smashwords Interview

Who are your favorite authors?
Larry McMurtry, Cormac McCarthy, and lately James Corey. Most of all, I love the great and ageless one, Wilbur Smith. At age 12, I filled in a lot of blanks about women and sex reading "A Sparrow Falls." The man can write manly adventure and steamy sex like he's cooking up fried chicken and biscuits! Just go good together!
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My lovely wife, Jennifer, my wonderful family, the fact I have bills to pay and the love of writing.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find J Morgan Woodall online


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