Elaine Feuer

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Elaine Feuer began contemplating end-of-life issues after witnessing her mother’s slow and painful death from cancer. To Gently Leave This Life is the perfect reference book for the grassroots activist, legislator, and for people who are dealing with their own or a loved one’s terminal illness. It is Elaine’s aspiration that physician-assisted death will be approved throughout the U.S., Canada, and in other countries. Whenever possible, people deserve the right to have a “gentle and happy” death.

Elaine has worked in the medical division of Little, Brown & Company, and freelanced as a research and development coordinator for a variety of film and television projects. While researching clinical studies for an AIDS documentary, she learned about the FDA’s suppression of treatments for AIDS and other serious illnesses. Outraged by the FDA’s abuse of its powers, Elaine utilized the skills obtained in achieving History and Criminology Degrees from the University of Toronto to research and write Innocent Casualties: The FDA’s War Against Humanity.