Lynn Perretta


Lynn Perretta has worked as a freelance writer for White Wolf Games Mage: the Ascension (revised). Her writing credits include (as Lynn Davis): Guide to the Traditions, Initiates of the Arts, Bitter Road, and Cult of Ecstasy (revised). Lynn has also written a series of articles for Polymancer Magazine titled "I Was Thinking of Making My Character...EVIL!"

Lynn graduated Georgia State University with a bachelor's in English - Creative Writing. While at Georgia State she had the opportunity to study with incredible authors and professors. She studied different aspects of writing: creative elements of fiction and mechanical elements of technical writing and document design. She also studied web design and electronic communication.

Lynn is currently working on The Shulim Cycle, a modern dark fantasy series that ties the distant past to the present, exploring predestination, fate, and hope. The series will consist of six novels, beginning with Book of Dahlia. Each book will be named for a secondary character whose sub-plot sets the clock of the story. Her husband Nick, who currently serves as her editor, creative consultant, manager, and agent is an invaluable companion in the project.

Lynn was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Her father was in the Navy and when she was young she lived in Virginia Beach, where her earliest memories are of being stung by jelly fish and getting to visit the big ships. She was later raised by her mother (Melinda) and step-father (dad) Tim in Mississippi. After graduating high school, she returned to her native Georgia, where she floated around the metro Atlanta area for about eighteen years. She feels that she's a southern writer in the truest sense: as with anything in the south, she writes when she gets around to it.

Smashwords Interview

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I was born in Georgia, and grew up in Mississippi. One thing to understand about Mississippi is that it's small. I don't mean the state. I mean the places. The towns are small. The suburbs are small. The cities are small. Jackson, when I was growing up, was just a speck off the interstate, and if you blinked, you would miss it. I got to watch the suburban area I was raised in grow and change. I also got to watch, from visiting family, Atlanta grow. I came to understand the changes that take place as a city increases its influence, and the ways that it alters the communities around it. Metro Atlanta today is nothing like the Atlanta and its surrounding towns of my childhood. I try to put that into my settings, in how Atlanta bleeds into its suburbs, and how not all parts are ready for changes that may be decades old.
When did you first start writing?
I first started writing when I was a kid. My first experience in writing for other people, I guess I was about ten or eleven, was winning a US Savings Bond for a story I wrote about a school pageant. I really started writing stories, or bits of stories, in middle school and high school. I could be clever and say there wasn't much else to do in Mississippi (there wasn't), but really what I wanted to do was recreate stories that I loved and make something new. My first stories were things that my favorite movies, shows, or books inspired.
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Lynn Perretta's favorite authors on Smashwords

Janet Hudgins
Latest book: English Genocide in Nova Scotia.
Published June 2, 2018.