
Smashwords book reviews by minmei

  • Champagne Romance (Romance Novel) on Aug. 26, 2012

    Despite a few flaws, Champagne Cocktails is a must read for someone looking to be entertained with great banter and some intriguing misunderstandings between the main character's Swan and Troy. I bought this book because I love romance books that contain action and the plot description sounded original. I would say spoiler alert, but the author gives away that there is a plane crash in the book's description. The Good There were a couple of very unexpected and tense moments that kept you on the edge of your seat. I was suprised on how many lol moments there were in the book. Some of the comments that Troy and Swan made had me chuckling to myself in bed. The relationship between Troy and Swan has it's ups and downs, but it's the misunderstanding's between them that really drives the plot. I was surprised by how much I cared about their relationship by the end of the book. I really liked how the author included Troy's point of view in the book. Most romance novels seem to only include the female's perspective. The Bad A couple of situations in the book required you to take a leap of faith, like the main character's surviving the plane crash. Overall the book accomplished what I was looking for which was to be entertained. I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys action romance and is looking for a couple lol moments.