Marvin Glenn

Smashwords book reviews by Marvin Glenn

  • Our Universal Journey on July 14, 2012
    (no rating)
    Because of this book I feel empowered to move into the future with clarity of choice,certainty in my Higher Self and a smile in my heart; a smile of wisdom and knowing that everything everywhere exists within, and at the behest of, the infinitely perfect Divine Plan for all of creation including me. Put another way: I feel at peace. Thank you George and Cynthia.
  • Our Universal Journey on Aug. 08, 2012

    For me the information in this book takes all the teachings I've accumulated over the past 40 years of conscious spiritual seeking and condenses, clarifies, purifies and summarizes it leaving me with a sense of completeness and remembrance of so much I have always unknowlingly known. Fear of the future is gone. Anticipation of our bright, bright future is assured. Marvin Glenn