T.R. North


T.R. North was born and raised in Florida and has never been featured in a “News of the Weird” column run in another state.

Previous works of short fiction can be found in Phantaxis, Metaphorosis, and The Flash Fiction Press.

Smashwords Interview

When did you first start writing?
I've been writing since high school, but I only recently began testing the waters of traditional publication.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Wow, this is an interesting one!

It really depends on what, exactly, I'm writing--non-fiction is so much different from writing fiction that it's difficult to give one answer to suit both. I think with non-fiction, the biggest thrill I've gotten is from readers saying that I got them just as excited about the topic as I am, or that I've managed to reignite an interest in something they thought they didn't care about or weren't good at. With fiction, there's the potential to create entirely new worlds and new ways of being that you can then immerse a reader in, if you've done it right.

In both cases, though, you spend a lot of time trying to work out how to get something exactly the way it should be, and it's enormously satisfying to feel like you've finally got it.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find T.R. North online