Pam Howes


Pam Howes is an ex Interior Designer who loves creating stories, but only started writing seriously about twelve years ago. The idea for her first novel, set in the sixties, came from her time as a teenager, working in a local record store and hanging round with the musicians who frequented the business.That first novel evolved into a series. The first, Three Steps to Heaven, is the tale of rock'n'roll band, The Raiders, and their lives and loves. Now also available on Smashwords with the others to follow soon. The sequel, 'Til I Kissed You, featuring the same characters, is set in the eighties. This book sees the reformation of The Raiders after a spell of retirement. The third novel, Always On My Mind, is set in 2001, and the fourth novel - Not Fade Away - is currently a WIP, to be published late 2012. A stand alone love story, Fast Movin' Train will be available on Smashwords from August 2012. Pam is a big fan of sixties music and it's this love and the support and encouragement of her musician partner that compelled her to write the series. Pam has three adult daughters and seven grandchildren. She lives in Cheshire and as well as writing novels, writes short stories, which have appeared in charity anthologies and online e-zines, and poems, many of which are published.

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Smashwords book reviews by Pam Howes

  • Lily of the Springs on July 23, 2012

    I discovered the author on a Facebook promotional page for writers and as soon as I saw the book had been released as an e book I grabbed a copy. I absolutely loved this story. From the first page I was hooked; drawn in by the characters and the scene setting and the wonderful feeling of stepping back in time to seemingly innocent days. However, not so innocent for poor Lily who falls for the local bad boy. Pregnant, she's rushed into marriage to the reluctant Jake and is forced to live with his parents whose own marriage is no bed of roses either. Life's an uphill struggle for the young, mismatched pair. There is a surprise happy ending, but you'll have to buy the book and read it for yourself as I hate to give too much away with spoilers. The author intersperses her chapters with quaint recipes that make your mouth water. There are also illustrations throughout that bring the characters to life. Enjoy one of Elvis's first live performances at a country show, also starring Slim Whitman. Enjoy the do-wop days and fashions of the fifties and early sixties. Re-live the assassination of JFK and the first moon-landings. It's all in there and believe me; if like me you're a "baby-boomer",you'll love this trip back in time and won't want it to end. I certainly plan on reading more by Carole. I love her easy to get into style. It's right up my street.