Timmy Stewart

Smashwords book reviews by Timmy Stewart

  • Shooter in the Crosshairs on Jan. 10, 2012

    Gritty, raw, and exciting! I'd call it a real page turner if there actually were pages. The overall story was filled with enough emotion and surprises to keep me glued to my screen. Rick's portrayal of Brock Nicholls was outstanding. I have worked in television news for nearly 18 years, and I really identified with the character. If you're in the biz, have been in the biz, or have ever thought about what it might really be like to work in television news, this is a must read. The other people in the story were easy to visualize, and it was easy to either loathe (Percy) or love (Nancy or Mike) them... I'm just an old newsie, but I think this is an incredible first effort! Nice storytelling, Cher.