Stanley Harder


Growing up in the multi-cultural "melting pot" of Minnesota gave me a great appreciation for the different viewpoints of other ethnic groups. What I didn't acquire until much later was an appreciation for my own "faith" heritage.

Having managed several bookstores for a number of years gave me a great opportunity to see the impact that books can have on a person's life. It also gave me an itch to write. Meeting authors such as Bodie Thoene at the annual Christian Bookseller's Convention made writing seem, somehow, more accessible.

In the mid 1990's I began gathering information on my family tree. Amazingly, I soon had thousands of individuals in the database, all related to me somehow. Many of the lists came from other relatives who also had begun the same quest to gather their family trees. Discussing this intriguing finding with my boss on one occasion, he suggested I write a book about the family heritage I was beginning to discover. That lead to the "small" project of writing a 10-15 page story of our family which quickly became a research project of its own. You are looking at the 3rd revision of that project.

I am currently in the process of writing a novel built around the early period of our family history, using fictitious characters but attempting to assemble the real living conditions and environment they lived in. The outcome I hope will be an insightful journey into the world they lived in. I will post more information about forthcoming books on my website as it develops. Stay tuned.

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