Jessica Walsh


Jessica Walsh knows there’s this feeling, when you read a good book, that the world around you melts away to reveal new universes that stretch beyond your imagination. For a good portion of her life, Jessica has chased that feeling by reading books and delving into fantastic worlds that were always so far away.

But that wasn’t enough.

Experiencing those fantasy worlds could only work for so long and soon there was the urge to bring it here, to the real world, so others could feel the magic she felt with each turn of the page. She does this in her writing by bringing a feeling of realism to her stories. By combining monsters, magic, and mythical creatures with the world we all live in, it’s not too hard to consider a bookstore owner with the power to change the words on a page, or a performer who can make flowers grow in his hand. However normal the story may start, there’s always something lurking in the background, ready to hint at something more.

Now she's on a journey to share her creations with everyone. She travels to various conventions and presents her written escapes to the people around her, expressing her creativity with her words, her crafts, and her sewing. She's combined the favorite aspects of her life to show the wonderful fantasies that exist in our everyday lives.

Smashwords Interview

What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
We spend a good portion of the year travelling to different conventions all over the US and I've always found that selling books in person to people who show up at our tables is the best technique. As for online, there's so many different things to do and they all work together. I think the most effective technique is to just keep going. It may not seem like it's working, but when you stop then sales stop. So you have to keep promoting in a bunch of different ways.
Describe your desk
My main desk at home is actually used for sewing, not writing. There's two sewing machines on one side of the huge table and a drawer of current projects on the other. There's plenty of room for me to lay out fabric pieces, and have a laptop set up so I can watch Netflix while I'm sewing. And I'm surrounded by accessories and tools on all sides, within an easy reach.

As for writing - because that's probably what you're here for - I prefer to either be on a computer with my chrome book super early in the morning when there's almost no sound anywhere or at my 'real life' job during breaks. I don't really have a desk for writing, as I write better under a deadline. If I had a specific place, it would be too easy to go there any time. Which all seems counterproductive, but it works quite well.
Read more of this interview.


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