
Smashwords book reviews by BookWormSans

  • Bone Dressing on Nov. 26, 2011

    E-book received from author for review (4 1/2 stars) When the author sent me a request to review her book, I did what I usually do. Read the book description a few times – it sounded eerie and intriguing. For someone who hasn’t read YA (Young Adult) in many a year, I’ve read 3 in the last few months! To enjoy reading a book such as Bone Dressing, you really should be open minded. It’s not just a YA, it’s a Dark YA Paranormal Fantasy. Big difference. I read it in one one day (in between a series we are busy with which I don’t normally like to do) and quite honestly, I really, really enjoyed it. I sound a bit surprised and that’s because I was. Although it sounded like something just up my alley, you never know especially when it’s a book by a new author. I’m glad I was given the opportunity to read this one. We meet Sydney Roberdeau, who can’t wait to turn 18, like most teenagers, and finally be free. She’s lost her parents and is living with her foster family. Syd is a complex girl in more ways than one. She’s constantly in trouble, spends her life being grounded and is hell bent on causing uphill – on a daily basis. She just can’t help it although she has moments where she tries really hard not to stir the pot – those are few and far between though. Some may not like her, but I took to her like a duck to water – she just clicked with me and not because I was ever rebellious, far from it although stubbornness may have something to do with it! Syd is rebellious but not purposefully nasty. There’s a difference, at least to me. Her snarkiness is to die for and had me laughing out loud numerous times throughout the book. Yes, I know it’s a dark paranormal fantasy but that doesn’t mean the characters can’t be funny! Syd spends more than half her free time at the cemetery, hanging around dead people and visiting her parents – Plot 1327-B, Home. This is where she feels alive and weirdly at peace – it fills her with a certain calm. On one of these evenings, she meets, Beau, Sarah and T.J. and is quite unimpressed with the intrusion. She tries really hard, in her sarcastic/funny way to get rid of them but Syd has met her match though, as Beau is not one to ride shotgun and gives as good as he gets. They have appeared for a purpose and proceed to enlighten Syd as to why they are there. You see, they will be her guides and protectors and her mission is to make right what she did wrong in past lives. Oh, AND all that is required is her soul. It’s needed to reanimate corpses hence the name Bone Dressing. T.J. who by the way is a big black panther – will inhale the soul out of her present body and place it in her previous life’s body - for a time. Once her task is complete, she will come back to who she is now. WHAT? Can her world be any more screwed up? She can barely keep her nose clean or her head above water in this one, let alone try and “fix” what went wrong in previous ones. But, she’s running out of time as there are some who don’t want her to accomplish any of this and they will do what’s necessary to stop her. And so, without revealing any spoilers, the story continues with Syd realising that although she’s only just met Beau, it feels like she’s known him her whole life. He seems to calm her and for some reason, they are good for one another. Although this book may seem confusing to some, funnily enough, I found that it flowed beautifully and was easy to follow. But then, if a book is not being enjoyed, it might make it that much more difficult to connect with it and it’s characters. As I was interested right from the beginning – I read it in no time. This being the first book of seven, I can just imagine what Ms. Brooks has in store for Syd and her “gang” if Bone Dressing is anything to go by! One thing I do have to mention though is that, although I enjoyed this book immensely, there is a substantial amount of narrative and I only point this out as I personally prefer more interaction between the characters. Hopefully in the next installment, there is somewhat a bit more one on one rather than too much internal thought. Don’t get me wrong, although the narrative is substantial, it is still very well written. Michelle Brooks has a wonderful way with words. My rating for this book is a delightful 4 ½ stars! Very well done. I look forward to #2.