Steve Taylor

Smashwords book reviews by Steve Taylor

  • Annette Opens the Door on Aug. 01, 2013
    (no rating)
    I received an email, telling me about this book. I'll be honest, I haven't read a book in a long time, and was a little skeptical about the subject matter. WOW, was I wrong. I found Annette Opens the Door, to be inspirational, uplifting, intriguing, riveting, and just all around amazing. The first time I downloaded the book, I sat there for two and half hours glued to my computer, reading and hanging on every word. I stop because I needed to go to bed, because I had to work the next day. All day at work, I kept thinking, I can't wait to get home to finish reading it. It opened my mind and heart to the many things. I loved the book and can't wait for the follow up. Thanks for taking the time to tell Annette's and your story. Hopefully it will give hope and inspiration to others.
  • A View from the Rainbow on Feb. 07, 2015
    (no rating)
    This book was a little hard for me to read, in that, the subject matter is something that I thought I believed in. I do, in fact, believe in reincarnation, but, this book went a lot more into detail then I was expecting. I have not been able to stop thinking about what I may have been through in my past lives. It has also made me think about where I am now and what may lay ahead in the future. I am not sure how I feel about it, but one thing is for sure, this book gives a lot of examples and really gives you things to think about. I enjoyed reading it and will probably do so again. I am not very good at expressing myself in this type of situation, but I hope you all understand that this could all be true. Thanks