
Smashwords book reviews by tahenrysbx

  • Dirty Little Angels on May 01, 2011

    Overall, I truly enjoyed this story. It was heart wrenching at times and author Chris Tusa never sugarcoats anything; which I find very refreshing at a time where most people are afraid to speak their mind for fear of offending someone. Tusa is incredibly descriptive. Describing everything with so much detail that you really feel you can see what is happening right in front of you. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage to his writing. I felt that there were times I was almost sick from the descriptions, however, I must concede that this keeps his writing very true to the narrator. Tusa made me feel for narrator Haylie and her family from the very beginning. The misfortunes this family deals with throughout the story are astonishing. I did feel, however, that for a book of only 110 pages, there may have been a few too many hardships to be believable. In these 110 pages, which take place over a very short time in Haylie’s life, the characters face: miscarriage, infidelity, abortion, amputation, fighting, thievery, depression, poverty, suicide attempts, molestation, murder, problems with drugs, drinking, gambling, debt, and a few things I may be forgetting. All of these, in such a short novel, make following the storyline hard at times. In the end, I think Tusa did a very good job of pulling it all together and making sense of it all. I was left heartbroken for Haylie and her family and longing to know what happens next.