John Stines


John Stines is originally from Louisville, Kentucky. After receiving a B.A. degree in Cinema and Photography from Southern Illinois University, John developed a love for travel. After twenty years and twenty countries, he still enjoys gaining a fresh and accurate perspective from the special insights offered by foreign media and cultures. Most recently, during visits to Oman and New Zealand, he began to compile material for The Happy Pill. As a photographer, writer, painter, home renovator, and teacher, John has developed a fresh and thorough perspective on American culture and the realities of running a small business in America. Some of his many interests are food, languages, music, architecture, computers, and cinema history. A variety of his publications include The Christian Science Monitor Daily International, who published his first-hand article in 1990 on the Stasi police of East Germany just after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 1996, John authored the offbeat Gen X booklet, The 13'er Generation Guide to Survival: 52 Weekly Affirmations for Better Finance, Fashion, and Romance. His photos have appeared in several travel magazines, including CNN Traveler, and Travel Holiday. John loves progressive media such as The Last Word and The Rachel Maddow Show, as well as The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. After a twenty year, dual career in the arts industry and home renovation, John has turned his energies to writing and the coffee cafe business. The Happy Pill is his first full-length, narrative nonfiction book. Most of his free time is spent traveling, biking, baking and exploring the unique pockets of civilization in various destinations near and far. John lives in Louisville, KY for better or worse, among friends, cafes, a river valley, and developing urban spaces.

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