Athena Nagel

Smashwords book reviews by Athena Nagel

  • Freelance Writing Guide: What to Expect in Your First Year as a Freelance Writer on Sep. 25, 2013

    I have been considering looking into freelance writing for some time. For me, it seems to be the natural progression from all of my blog writing. A new way to be creative and expressive. However, to succeed there is so much more to know than just how to write. There are roadblocks that need to be navigated, technological paths that are not widely known, pitfalls to beware of etc... Christine's book is a great tool to help find the way. Anything I could have asked for is in this guide - even continuing education classes! Freelance writing also does not fit into just everyone's lifestyle - she helps through those issues and concerns too. As soon as I am ready to begin my journey - I will put so many of these tips to great use! I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.