Tara Prior

Smashwords book reviews by Tara Prior

  • Flossed & Found: A Faery's Tale and Letters on April 28, 2016

    I’ll be honest – as a contributing writer of this book, I am slightly biased! However, I wanted to write a review anyway because it really does deserve a look. Pillow Talk is an atypical book – part fantasy, part autobiography, part history. While it is most definitely a work of fiction, some of the most surprising and unusual events in the story are based on facts. Books have been written about tooth fairies before, but the story of Maeve Faedent, the tooth retrieval faery, and her loyal human friends is not just a light and fluffy piece of fun but an inspiring tale of life, replete with all of life’s usual challenges. Women take charge of their lives and a boy becomes much more than his upbringing suggested he could be. While Maeve is the central, unifying force of the novel, the other characters are strong and important in their own right. In short, Pillow Talk is a fun, unusual and uplifting read. (Make sure your teeth are sparkly clean before you begin!)