Christel Cranko

Smashwords Interview

What is your writing process?
For starters, I like to write with a pen. It makes me feel warm and comfortable to take a fine tip pen, settle in a comfy chair with my coffee (sustenance) and start to make notes of the ideas that have been floating round in my head for a while. I sketch an outline (which often changes as I move along), and then I start to flesh out the bits and pieces. It's peaceful and tranquil. I love reading sections of my work to my family as I go along. That way I get encouragement and ongoing critique.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
It wasn't my first story but it's the first one I can remember as I won a national short story competition. I was about seventeen years old. The heroin was an abused girl called Gazelle and it was a thriller that took place in a forest.
Read more of this interview.