Mercenary Heat Series

Her Captured Heart
Series: Mercenary Heat Series. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 41,260. Language: English. Published: September 2, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Suspense, Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit
Clay isn’t sure kidnapping a woman for her own protection is a wise thing to do. Protecting one petite woman should be an easy task, but once Ebony arrives at his secluded home he realizes outside enemies aren’t the only danger threatening her. His lust and overwhelming desire to hear her scream his name as she orgasms beneath him might prove too potent to resist.
Tempting Marcus
Series: Mercenary Heat Series. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 84,170. Language: English. Published: September 2, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Suspense, Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit
Marcus heads a mercenary team taking on jobs other law enforcement agencies can’t handle. He’s renowned for remaining cool and emotionless under pressure. Surviving missions unscathed is what he does, but he’s never faced a situation like this. His youngest operative, Bethany, is currently on the front line of their latest assignment, and for reasons he refuses to acknowledge, it’s terrifying him.