Helps from a Homeschool Mom of 12

Organized Ramblings: Home Education From A to Z
Series: Helps from a Homeschool Mom of 12. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 42,530. Language: English. Published: October 23, 2010 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Home schooling
Are you a new homeschooler looking for answers to questions? Are you an experienced homeschooler in danger of burning out? Catherine, Mom of 12, has words of encouragement for each of you. With 29 years of homeschooling experience, she has seen much, cried much, and lived to share her experiences with you. She doesn't have all the answers -- but she is happy to share her experiences & stories.
The Ultimate (Field) Trip Survival Guide
Series: Helps from a Homeschool Mom of 12. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 3,160. Language: English. Published: October 29, 2010 . Categories: Nonfiction » Travel » Travel - Reference
Between Dee and Cathy they have 14 children; and have traveled throughout the country (and in various parts of the world) with their respective families, logging hundreds of thousands of miles. They like short trips, long trips, and pretty much any kinds of trips...Day trips, multi-week trips...They've traveled in mini vans, big vans, RVs, jeeps...They've camped, stayed with friends, and more...
Lapbooking Made Easy
Series: Helps from a Homeschool Mom of 12. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,700. Language: English. Published: November 2, 2011 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Teaching, Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Home schooling
(5.00 from 1 review)
A lapbook is a portable project filled with pictures and other neat information about a topic. It's a great hands-on way for students to start learning about a topic, or to wrap up a study. But many teachers/parents are intimidated by where to begin with these great resources. Our goal is to take the unknown out of lapbooking and show you how easy it is to incorporate lapbooks.
Ninety Writing Prompts
Series: Helps from a Homeschool Mom of 12. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 1,500. Language: English. Published: August 8, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Curricula
Sometimes the hardest part of writing is just beginning. Catherine makes that part a little easier for writers of all ages and experience. Here she gives you ninety starting points - little prompts to get the creative juices going and the pencil moving. That gives you enough to do at least a bit of writing every day for three months, or every school day for one semester.
Waking Up the Joys of Writing
Series: Helps from a Homeschool Mom of 12. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 2,230. Language: English. Published: August 8, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Curricula
For many young writers the most difficult part of their task is getting started. They want to write, but don’t know where to begin. And oftentimes when they do begin, they are overwhelmed by the risks of improper spelling or improper punctuation. This e-book takes away the writer’s block and the risks. It gives struggling writers starting points and enough minimal direction to get them writing.