The Storm Series

The Storm!
Series: The Storm Series. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 20,630. Language: English. Published: August 11, 2019 by GW Enterprises Publishing Company. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
When a chemical weapon is released into a storm, Tina Thompson's discovers every animal in the city wants to have her.
The Zoo!
Series: The Storm Series. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 24,170. Language: English. Published: January 2, 2017 by GW Enterprises Publishing Company. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » For Men
(5.00 from 1 review)
Leah is excited to finally going to see the panda's at her cities zoo, only problem is a big storm has been forecast that might ruin her time. (Updated August 2019)