Interview with A. Tunson

Published 2014-05-25.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Oh yes, I think of it quite often! I remember in second grade writing an essay on "waking up in the morning". In the story I go through waking out of bed; looking back it's so funny recalling how much I hated the feeling of being "ripped" out of the bed. I remember this essay so vividly because I recall the detail of how I described my feelings at such an early age. To this day I still hate the process of waking up; and I just as in my second grade essay, waking up doesn't officially start for me until I brush my teeth, and then the day starts looking a little brighter!
When did you first start writing?
I didn't officially start "writing" to the extent I do now until about 2009 when I began writing "New Millennium Love". I've always written professionally throughout my career; but leisurely...does writing in a diary count?! I guess my diary was an indication I would end up writing something; I've always enjoyed the "release" of writing down my thoughts and then reflecting back on them at a later time...
What are some of the first books you remember reading, and the impact they had on you?
Humm, "To Kill A Mockingbird" is the first book I think I can recall reading that had a profound impact on me. From there, I remember "Malcom X" being another major story that impacted my passion for reading. That was the first coalition I made in comparing the advantage of reading a book vs. watching the movie. When you read, your mind has the ability to explore and paint pictures; you connect to the details of the story at a more intimate level.
Describe your desk
Lol, my lap, the couch and my dining room table! I have my eye on this nice L-shaped desk; but until then I'll be sticking with my trusty lap tray!
What is your writing process?
My writing style is more new age; I like to speak into my phone and record the thoughts that come across my mind throughout the day. My mind is constantly racing; it's almost impossible to write my thoughts down by hand, lol. If I can't get to my voice recorder I rely on my "Notes" app. After I've gathered enough recordings/notes, I dictate my thoughts on the computer. From there, the fun of sorting and linking my thoughts together begins!
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
Oh, I love talking about where I grew up; it always sparks a surprised look on fellow Californians who can't image how the heck I ended up in Ukiah, Ca?! This small little tiny town brings such beautiful memories; it reminds me that the world does have safe corners where you can escape, retreat, and just be yourself!! Growing up around that type of earthy peace influenced me to remain free and open; it inspires me stay creative, and eager to explore!
What is the overall message behind your recent book project?
"New Millennium Love" is about a new consciousness to love; a "New Millennium" way to love. Although it targets couples, after chatting with a good friend, I realized the "New Millennium" love concept can extend to an overall philosophy on how we express our love in general in today's era. Outside of our children, how we love and treat the closet person to us, our mates/spouses, should be the highest display of our love and passion. When we "practice" love at home, we get good at it; and we become better equip to love all others in our lives. It becomes a mindset!
What motivated you to become an indie author?
After being mentored by a few great indie authors, I quickly grew excited about the possibility of becoming an actual "published author". Carrying out this book project has been so rewarding in more ways than one. Becoming an indie author was one of the best things I could have done for myself at this time in my life. It gave me an outlet, and provided an avenue where I can finally feel free to just be me!
What do you read for pleasure?
Mostly romance/erotica - my new favorite genre! But I'm still a sucker for a good suspense novel; James Patterson is one of my all time favorite authors!
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I'd have to go with the Kindle only because I started with that, and now I have easy access to my books right on my iPhone; it's so convenient!
What are your five favorite books, and why?
"Fifty Shades of Grey", by EL James - No one can deny the wide spread popularity this book received; and rightly so. It sparked curiosity from some of the most sexually uptight women...
"Malcom X", by Alex Haley - I tribute this book to my love for reading; and passion to live strong...
"Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now", by Maya Angelou - First book I read that I connected with realizing I wasn't alone in my struggles as a woman; it gave me strength and courage I carry with me to this day...
"The Breaking Point, A Full-Circle Journey", by Michelle Hannah - This book has motivated and touched my adult life in a way I'll forever be grateful for...
"Goodnight Moon", by Margaret Wise Brown - I read this to my son often when he was little; I treasure those moments!
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