Interview with Constance Bannan Barnes

Published 2013-09-10.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I work part time at The Yarn Market in Beulah, Michigan. I volunteer at Benzie Shores District Library. I read and listen to books constantly.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I have a Kindle and download books from Amazon or from Overdrive.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I wrote a Biography when I was in the ninth grade, entitled, My Life in Prison.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
1.Gone With the Wind, the character development was awesome. I love historical novels.
2.Feathered Crowns, intriguing insight into the birth of quintuplets in Appalachia.
3.Outliers, non-fiction. This book gave me information about famous people and their amazing accomplishments.
4.The Thorn Birds. I have read this book at least three times. I found it a fascinating love story.
5.It's Not What Happens to You, It's What You do About It. I read this book while I was still working and had the good fortune to hear, W. Mitchell speak at a teacher's conference. His message of overcoming adversity has affected my life in many ways.
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