Interview with Boroughs Publishing Group

Published 2023-05-22.
How long has Boroughs Publishing Group been in business?
We opened our virtual doors in December 2011.
How do you approach cover design?
Our authors fill out an Author Questionnaire with descriptions of their main characters, as well as other elements they wish to see on the cover. We work closely with them to achieve a cover that best represents their story.
Describe your desk
Everyone's "desk" is different. Most of us are laptop users with cloud storage, which means we get to work where we're most comfortable.
What kind of stories do you look for?
We want to see submissions from writers who can deliver the emotional punch readers crave. Boroughs Publishing Group encourages creative freedom. Stick to the tropes of the Romance sub-genre or push the envelope. As long as you’re providing well written incredible story-telling, we’re game.
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