Interview with D. Michele Jackson

Published 2015-04-18.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Since childhood my "great escape" has been through writing. You name it, I can write about it. And as a child I was usually running away from something; it is as an adult that I find a source of power in the pin. I write to inspire others. I write to reveal ills. I write to change. The greatest joy is knowing I will leave timeless literature as a result of writing about love.
What do your fans mean to you?
The persons who enjoy my work inspire me. I feel I've achieved my goal as a writer when one says after reading my book; I laughed, I cried, I thought, and as a result I did what was best for me. That's why I write: the best you.
What are you working on next?
I am working on a trilogy. My first book is my memoir and serves to introduce me as a writer and person. The second book is a novel based on a true story, and my focus is to restore health. The book is a steamy novel dealing with real issues that place health at risk, but I didn't stop there, I proposed resolve as well.
Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite author is John Gresham, and I am convinced that it has to do with my passion for the law.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
To know that one day life race will be completed, and I will have the satisfaction of meeting God having done what I was born to do.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
On projects that advance the betterment of mankind.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
In high school we were assigned "Manchild in the Promiseland" by Claude Brown. It was not my first book, but it was the first book to impact me because I lived a life that had been sheltered against the issues discussed in the book. It was learning the struggles of others that confirmed my desire for public service.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I am a Philadelphia native, and I grew up in South Philly. I absolutely love the fact that I am an inner city kid with roots close enough to Society Hill that made me interested in learning about other lifestyles. As a result, I write from a place of concern for all. And for those who don't understand the struggles I've survived, I detail them in my stories. If there are persons in search of starting over, I share how I did it. And my church I attended as a child is a contributor to my love for Jesus. My mission: Encourage. Educate. Empower.

My first book encourages. My second book educates. My third book will empower.
How do you want to be recalled when your life is completed?
A woman not afraid to stand up for herself. Most important, a woman who stood up for others. -Donna
What are your views on sex, relationships, and marriage?
I wholeheartedly believe in the sanctity of marriage. It is my opinion that relationships are the portal entrance for love that facilitate the possibilities of happily ever after, and it begins with honesty. Healthy relationships are as a result of persons who can be truthful with themselves and others. I think every marriage should have the good fortune of love. If for some reason you never find love, I believe safe sex is the perfect antidote.

Fortunately for me, I had a mother who showered me with love. Unfortunately, I've only experienced what I considered "true love" in a romantic relationship once and we didn't marry. I share in a trilogy: The Travels to the Promise.
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