Interview with Lorraine Versini

Published 2014-11-09.
Who are your favorite authors?
Difficult question. I enjoy a lot of genres, and when I read, it's more about the story itself than who wrote it, really. With regards to the French classics, I enjoy Voltaire and Molière a lot. I am fond of the Grimm brothers when I'm in the mood for a fairy tale. With regards to contemporary writers, I tend to go for the book rather than the author, so it's quite often that I pick up something from someone I've never read anything from before. But the authors I have seen myself going back to are Jeffrey Kosh, Eric A. Shelman, Mel Comley, Kealan Patrick Burke, Shaun Jeffrey, David Wailey, Kristine Cayne, Darren Humphries, Scott Mariani and Paulo Coelho. This is obviously subject to a lot of additions over time :)
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
The hope to get something worthwhile done. Most times it happens, but sometimes it doesn't!
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
At home, it'll be reading or playing Plants vs. Zombies on my Xbox. If we go out, you'll probably see me snapping half a zillion photos!
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Sometimes, I read ebooks written by authors who belong to my circle. Other times, I'll go by word of mouth. And finally, I might just decide to go for something random I've seen advertised somewhere.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
It's not a full story, but my first piece of writing needs to be turned back into a WIP after being left dormant for too long. My first completed story is Purple Wish - A Valentine Fairy Tale, which I shall upload to Smashwords shortly :)
What is your writing process?
I pen down the idea and outline, then create a rough first draft on paper. Then I transfer it to the computer and polish it. Then it gets checked, and I check it again several times, until I'm completely happy with it.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
The "Petit Ours Brun" series, when I was a small child. We used to go to the town's educative centre, and because I showed an interest in reading, mum taught me to read before the school did. When I started primary school, I got bored because the other kids were only starting to learn then, so the teacher got me to the next level. I spent the rest of my scholarship being one year younger than the rest of my classmates, but it was never a hindrance academically.
How do you approach cover design?
I don't, I let my partner, Jeffrey Kosh, do it. I completely trust his intuition and his creativity, and he shows great skills at what he does. His covers are now gracing quite a few books, ebooks as well as paperbacks, and I couldn't be more proud of him.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
Can I skip this question please?

OK - if I have to name five books that will forever stay with me, we have:
Veronika Decides to Die, by Paulo Coelho - for the lesson it teaches
The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak - for the anount of tears it got me to shed
Dead Men Tell No Tales, by Jeffrey Kosh - because I'm in it
Cruel Justice, by Mel Comley - for my first proper book boyfriend
Tear in Time, by Christopher David Petersen - for the wonderful message of friendship in it (and the amputation scenes!)

Obviously, this list is NOWHERE near exhaustive. And it probably changed since last time I had to mention my favourite books. Each read I enjoyed marked me in some way, that's part of the experience. So chances are, if I reviewed a book and gave it a good review, it's left something that I will keep forever :)
What do you read for pleasure?
Pretty much anything. I'm particularly fond of horror, thrillers, and historical romance. I tend to shy away from Young Adult, paranormal and fantasy, but it doesn't mean that I avoid them at all costs.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
My Kindle. It's my only e-reader!
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
I can't say as it's really something I ought to get into!
Describe your desk
One word: MESSY! It'll have anything from essentials, like my computer, a notepad and a pen, to stuff I just dump on there, usually old mail and nail varnishes!
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in the South of France. I don't think it really influences my writing - I mean, I haven't been writing that much to see some kind of influence, plus I write in English anyway. Or yes, maybe it does. For now, my writing is rather happy and optimistic, the way the Mediterranean sunshine makes you feel when you pop out of your house. But that doesn't mean that I won't try my hand at darker stuff in the future...
When did you first start writing?
Last year. I hadn't even tried to pen anything down, other than for coursework, until I was challenged to.
What's the story behind your latest book?
It's all written in the "Notes" section of my last story, Ravenous ;)
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I'm pretty much new to this whole writing thing, and thought to test the waters before gaining more experience and going further. Ravenous was accepted for publication, but my experience of publishing wasn't really what one would call stellar. From what I've witnessed, I wouldn't generalise and say that all publishers are bad. It's all part of the game. There might be a next time, or there might not. Being indie definitely has its perks too. Who knows what will happen in the future?
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
I'll get back to that one, I've just created my account :)
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Other than the pleasure of giving shape to your thoughts, it's really the actual "writing" part. I love the English language, find it fascinating. So I'm always looking for better terms and expressions and learning in the process. That definitely counteracts all the frustration and anger we can also feel as part of the process!
What do your fans mean to you?
I hope all my fans feel free to get in touch with me any time. As a reader, I found that the experience was enhanced by having some form of relationship with the authors of the books I've read. Being able to talk with them, or simply following them, is so much nicer than when the author is just "a name" and the book something you pick up and then put down.
And I'm always grateful to anyone who picks up my stories :)
What are you working on next?
Next will be the big sister of Purple Wish. It's nearly penned down, and will have for title "In Your Heart Grows a Garden." It's another fairy tale, this one about forgiveness and redemption. And then, I shall be starting on a novel!
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

Books by This Author

Affamés - Une nouvelle
Price: $1.00 USD. Words: 8,580. Language: French. Published: November 9, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Horror » General
Tôt le matin, le service des Urgences d'un petit village de France est réveillé par l'appel au secours d'un enfant. Une mort suspecte a eu lieu, mais ses causes resteront un mystère... jusqu'à ce que que la nature déverse un fléau jamais vu.
Ravenous - A Short Story
Price: $1.00 USD. Words: 8,360. Language: British English. Published: November 9, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Horror » General
Early one morning, the emergency department of a sleepy village in France is woken up by the distress call of a child. A suspicious death has occurred, but its causes will remain mysterious… until nature releases a never seen plague, and all comes to light.