Interview with Michael Taboada

Published 2013-08-26.
When did you first start writing?
I started writing mostly in high school, mainly for English assignments. This lead me to realize I like writing short stories and novellas, which lead me to smashwords to publish some of my books.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I always liked writing fantasy, as it allows me to slip into another world for a while. This may have come from the fact that school can be rather stressful (as I am in college as of August 2013). What really lead me to become an indie author was the chance to share more of my writing with the world, and hopefully make a little money out of it as well.
How do you think Smashwords will contribute to your success?
I think that Smashwords would really help in the publishing of books to other stores, including Apple's iBook store, etc. As this is where many people go to get their books (and honestly I hadn't heard of Smashwords until I went looking for a place to publish ebooks). Even if I didn't get many sales from iBooks or something like it, smashwords is a nice place to put books that you hope people may enjoy, with its proven track record.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy of writing for me is to be able to slip into someone else's head, a head in which I have almost complete control. It also helps as a way to reduce stress.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans really mean everything to my writing as if I didn't have any fans, then there would be no point in writing books. Fans are really what make a book worth writing, in my opinion.
Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite authors are J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin, Robert Jordan and Christopher Paolini (you'll notice they're all fantasy writers). Christopher Paolini really motivated me to start writing my own fantasy because of his success at a young age.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
What inspires me to get out of bed each day is the unknown of what I can do, whether in writing or something else, in that day.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I am a full time college student at the time of writing (August 2013). That is what takes up a lot of my time during the semester, and even not during the semester I often work on programming projects, play audio games, and build areas on an online game I frequent.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I usually discover the ebooks I read either because they are from the same author as one I previously read, or because they are related. Sometimes, however, I will simply go down through the fantasy category and just browse.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
The first story I ever wrote was about a pair of boys who got trapped in a haunted house. I believe it was started as an English assignment in Elementary school which I continued.
What is your writing process?
My writing process is not very formal, mainly what I will try to do is write as much as possible in a sitting, go away from it for a little while and then edit it. I try not to make too many changes in the first edit because then that may involve more time than I want to commit during the writing stage, but just to fix typos, etc. Once I am done I will go back and do a final pass of major editing.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.