Interview with Tjwest

Published 2014-03-02.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up Long Beach, California. It didn't influence my writing at all, but being in a certain place does influence the settings of your story. I now live in San Diego and it most certainly did influence the settings/surroundings of my book.
When did you first start writing?
I started writing in Jr. High.. Most of us start out with a journal (diary) .. I loved writing out my feelings. In High School I loved English class and loved to be creative with my writing. I did write a story but never published it. I haven't written a book since then and that was over 21 yrs ago.
What's the story behind your latest book?
The story behind my latest book is about two people who once loved each other, finding their way back to one another. It shows the struggles of ones choices when things happen unexpectedly. As teenagers they fall in love and wanted nothing more than to be together, forever, but life happens and it takes you in a different direction. Years later their love is much more powerful. The longing my male lead has for the female lead is very much apparent. You can feel his needs when she's in his presence. He loves her to pieces. What can I say? It's nothing more than classic romance.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
My motivation is nothing more than being inspired by other indie authors. Why Not Me? I asked myself. I have always had stories in my head and have always wanted to put them down. This was just the jump I needed, thanks to self-pub.....
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Letting my inner imagination take over. Things I would never do are in the story..Things I've always wanted to say or happen are in the story. Make Believe is fun!
What are you working on next?
Right now I'm working on the next book for my series: The Rain Series..
Who are your favorite authors?
Colleen Hoover, Jamie McGuire, Kristin Hannah, Kristen Ashley, Amy Harmon, J. A. Redmerski, Heidi McLaughlin, Marie Force, Alice Clayton, Chevy Stevens, J Kenner, Sylvia Day, EL James, Bella Andre..... SO MANY!
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I love TV, watching movies, workout, volunteer within my kids schools, hangout with my family, spending time with friends, MOM STUFF
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Mostly by book blogs, other authors, word of mouth
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes, called "Wishing Nights." did that in High School
What do you read for pleasure?
YA/NY books, romance, contemporary... I love a lot of styles but my genre for right now is the YA and NY
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