Interview with Adrianna Morgan

Published 2014-12-04.
Describe your desk
My desk is a hodgepodge of odd items and random junk I have deemed valuable. Some of it keeps me focused, some keeps me sane, others keep me grounded, and the rest...well...they're just for fun. An island girl, I make sure that I am able to overlook the water, so that I remain centered and calm, allowing the story to flow.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up on an island surrounded by stories of voodoo and obeah (both heavily involve the use of rituals and magic). Storytelling and superstition were close companions on hot summer nights spent outside around a fire with family and friends. It forced me to think beyond what I could observe clearly. Was there something lurking on the peripheral of an image? Magic, mayhem, and mysticism all blended together.
When did you first start writing?
I wrote my first novel at 12. I read a book, hated it, and rewrote it my way.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I've always wanted to write and share my stories with my friends. It was a logical step to sharing it with others.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Creating the story. Thinking about how all the pieces of the puzzle will come together to make that wonderful work of art. Finding that one line, or scenario, or character that fits so perfectly you can't help but chuckle each time you reread your story.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans mean everything. They are my motivation. They are my inspiration. They are my coaches. I read my reviews to find out how to improve as a writer. Having a fan genuinely appreciate my book makes the writing it worthwhile.
What are you working on next?
Books two and three of the Blue Moon Trilogy. Book two, "Maikoda" is tentatively scheduled to be released in Feb, while book three, "Hania," has a tentative release date of April.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I am a full time education specialist and a full time doctoral student. Believe it or not, writing acts as a release from the everyday norm.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Its all about the story. That first hook. I browse through everything, and if I read a short description that hooks me, I take the gamble.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
One of the first stories to ever impact me on an emotional level was "The Quartzite Trip." It was one of those books that drew you in so deep that you felt what the characters felt, laughed when they did and hurt when they did. I must admit; I cried like a baby, I mean blubbering, at the end of that novel. *I'm tearing up right now thinking about it!*
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Books by This Author

Blue Moon Trilogy Book One: Tala
Price: Free! Words: 75,240. Language: English. Published: December 4, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal
19 years ago, Layla was viciously attacked and is now leading a fairly normal life. Until she meets her new classmate who is more than he seems, an old guy who may know what happened to her mother 19 years ago, and the werewolf who tried to kill her. Will she be able to channel her powers or succumb to the darkness within?