Interview with Unicorn Productions Books

Published 2015-07-08.
Why do I get a unicorn instead of an author picture on this page?
Because that's the logo I used on my photocopied zines back in the 1990s - and still is on the POD version of my books. E-books don't have rooms for logos, so there you have it! :)
It's now also on the publisher's page at
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I hate legalese and contracts. And I'm a control freak. And I'm too prolific for traditional publishing. And I write unconventional stuff with unconventional voice, so... indie a go go! :)

I'm very happy to be able to go out there and find my readers. I have a niche that traditional publishers won't cover. So, if you're an adult who still loves fantasy and sci-fi and other wondrous stories, check me out! :) Someone once told me I reminded her of George R.R. Martin, but since I haven't started on Game of Thrones yet, I have no idea. I haven't read Tolkien, so you won't find any of that for sure! :) No quests and no coming of age, but the rest... anything goes! Character-oriented and probably shorter than what traditional publishers want, but I believe the story has the length it has and I'm sick of pumping up wordcount to meed "industry standards"!
Who are these authors?
Barbara G.Tarn writes adult unconventional fantasy and some sci-fi. That's the name that appeared on those photocopied zines way back when. It was mostly comics and graphic novels at the time. A.K.A. Barb, she writes, draws and blogs at
She now writes also contemporary stories (formerly in screenplay form or new), including m/m romance. And historical fantasy. And whatever comes to her mind.
Barbara Sangiorgio writes in Italian - for those stories that would get lost in translation. Eventually some might be translated into English
So, who's behind the Unicorn logo?
A very prolific writer who tackles many genres and writes what she wants to read.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
They were the first where I uploaded my e-books! :) I started uploading on Kindle a few months after I started publishing on Smashwords. It's a slow growth and evolution, but I like the fact that you can download whatever format you want from here! ;)
I have a Kindle Keyboard, but I prefer buying from Smashwords. Pity some authors are stuck with KDP Select...
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.