Interview with Danielle James

Published 2013-10-26.
Describe your desk
Ha Ha! I'm sure my desk is under the mess of papers, pens, photographs and books that surround my computer. I haven't seen it in a while, but I am sure it is there, just the same.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Owensboro, KY with my family. I have a huge immediate family, with four older sisters, four older brothers, and one younger brother. My nephew also lived with us so he is just like a younger brother to me. I used to think my mother was crazy, and now, having children of my own, I am astounded that she isn't.
Most of my books involve a large (if not extended) family. That is all I knew growing up and I find that I include that in my writing. There isn't a prank I didn't see, or an incident that didn't happen in my family.
When did you first start writing?
I wrote my first book when I was only 12. It was a short story assignment that my teacher gave to the entire class. When it was finished, we bound the pages and made a hard cover for them. I chose to write about a haunted house. I then knew that I wanted to write, but it took me a good deal more years to get the courage to write anything I would let anyone else read.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I chose to become an Indie author because I wanted to get my books out there. I tried submitting to traditional publishers a few times, but most of the responses I got were either scams or less than appealing. As an Indie, I make my own terms and do it my way. Just call me Old Blue Eyes!
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
I am exceptionally grateful for Smashwords. They opened up a whole new audience that was unavailable to me before by offering my book in many formats instead of one. The biggest is Barnes and Noble. I believe Smashwords is responsible for about half of my book sales.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
That's a tough one. I love to have my characters somewhere other than in my head. I think the greatest thing is when someone, a complete stranger, seeks me out to tell me that they love my characters as much as I do. I feel as if they are truly living out there somewhere, going on about their lives and bringing joy to others.
What do your fans mean to you?
Everything. Without fans, I don't know if I would have the courage to keep writing. After my first attempt at writing, someone insisted I get back on that computer and do it some more. That is really what gives me strength and courage to keep writing and the willingness to keep doing something new.
What are you working on next?
I am working on the fifth and final book to the Forbidden Love series. It will be named Into Forever. No spoilers here, though!
Who are your favorite authors?
I have always been a huge fan of Stephen King and James Patterson, Lora Leigh and JR Ward. That being said, I read a lot of indie authors as well. I think it would be like trying to pick a favorite child. I can't do it. I love them all.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
The alarm clock.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I have a day job. Writing is not my only profession. I also spend time with my family. I have four beautiful children and one grandson that keep my pretty busy.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Sometimes I am just browsing with my Nook or my Kindle, but most often it is by way of recommendation by my friends or fans.
What do you read for pleasure?
All the Time.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I have both a Kindle App and a Nook. I use both equally.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.