Interview with Jason Lloyd

Published 2014-02-25.
Your first book Salty Aftertaste has been out since September, how did it feel to publish your first book?
It's been an amazing experience. In a lot of ways a lifelong dream came true. It has also been a huge learning experience for myself. I learned so much about publishing, marketing and writing in general. With anything that's new there's always a few mistakes to be made and now that I have dealt with those mistakes, I feel that the process will be smoother for my next book.
When people hear the title "Salty Aftertaste" they often laugh. What's the story behind the title?
Well... The title has many meanings; there's the obvious funny "sexual" innuendo and because the story is set at the beach, the whole "salty" sea water thing. But what some people don't realize is there's a deeper meaning behind the title. When you think of a "salty aftertaste" sometimes it's a good aftertaste, but sometimes it's a bad aftertaste, depending on what you just ate. The same thing could be said for experiences you go through, sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad. Every experience stays with you, just like an aftertaste. The book is about the experiences the characters go through and they are both good and bad.
What will your next book be about?
My next book is call Queer Dirty Laundry and it's loosely based on my blog by the same name. It's a "coming of age" tale about the main character. Bullying, coming out and first time experiences will all be covered. It of course will be funny, have some drama, and a few "hot" moments too. The story is set in present time with flashbacks to the past. I'm really excited about it and I think everyone will be able to relate to some of the experiences mentioned.
When will the book be available to purchase?
As of right now I am still working on a manuscript. My goal is to have it done by summer 2014. I think it will be available as a preorder in May in the iBooks store and then launched everywhere a few weeks after that. Actual dates haven't been determined yet.
So fans of Salty Aftertaste will enjoy this new book?
Yes! There will be some familiar characters in this one. Jason and Kevin are back along with some new interesting characters. Obviously the book is going to be filled with crude humor just like Salty, and I'm hoping it will be a fun read. I actually think fans of Salty will like Queer Dirty Laundry better.
Last question, what motivated you to become an indie author?
I was approached by a few publishers, but the offers did not seem to fit, so I turned them down. I like the fact that I have complete creative control over my work. Some people don't realize I also design all my book covers. I consider myself a very creative person and I enjoy the whole creative process. If a publishing deal ever felt right I would consider working with them, but for now I'm happy being an indie author and I enjoy the indie community. Indie authors are a very supporting group of people.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

Books by This Author

Mixed Tape (Poetry, Quotes, & Other Stuff)
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Remember when you were a kid? To show someone that you cared, you made them a mixed tape full of songs that meant something to you. You blushed and handed them the cassette tape hoping they would get the message. The songs were your love notes. I made you this mixed tape full of hopes and dreams. This is the soundtrack of my life... written in words. Contains over 60 poems, quotes and thoughts.
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Daniel Patrick Darling II is gorgeous, rich, and conceited, with just the right amount of bitch. You may think he has it all; friends, money, power, but all those things won’t help Danny when he mysteriously vanishes one night after hanging out with his best friends. Danny is loved by few, but unfortunately hated by many. Anyone could have been behind his disappearance.
Queer Dirty Laundry
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 35,800. Language: English. Published: June 12, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay, Nonfiction » LGBTQ+ » Coming out
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In this coming of age tale, Kevin and Jason embark on an adventure to Philadelphia to visit friends and to get into their normal hijinks. Along their journey they confide in each other the only way best friends can; through laughter, love and pain. This hilarious and heartfelt journey through the past can only strengthen their friendship in the present.
Salty Aftertaste
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Beaches, boys, and bad decisions... In this nonfiction tale, Jason and his hilarious and crude motley cast of friends leave their mundane suburban jungles and flock to the mecca that is Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for vacation. They are in search of a little rest and relaxation; aka beach, bars and boys, lots of hot boys. It is a vacation none of them will ever forget.