Interview with Malobi S Sinha

Published 2024-02-06.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up initially in Kenya, East Africa, from the age of 3 years, having been born in India, after which my father started working with the East African Power & Lighting Company; after that my family came to Australia while in I was in Primary School. This has caused my writing to be on subjects such as Africa and India, as they still hold a place dear to my heart; as well as, of course, Australia, and also now, the USA. I also read many Sci-Fi/Fantasy books while growing up, which has also influenced my writing. I love Fantasy
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Writing offers me release, and often the words that I write reflect a certain aspect of my life, or my past. The greatest joy in writing, for me, is knowing that my readers are enjoying my work
What are you working on next?
My book Rain was published by AQ Publishing as a Journal in April 2023. A poem of mine was published in the Anthology, Our Day of Passing , compiled by Ingrid Hall and Frank Esposito, in 2016. Other than that, my book, The Castle & Other Stories, a YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy collection of short stories, was published in October 2014 by Cresco Books. I am also writing more poetry, and was involved in writing a script for an upcoming feature Film, Our Worlds Collided, to be released soon. My latest poetry ebook, Home, and latest YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Garth, as well as my Book Review are available online
Who are your favorite authors?
M.M. Kaye, Piers Anthony, Anne MacCaffrey, Rabindranath Tagore, Rumi, Byron, Enid Blyton
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I feel motivated to bring cheer to the world, and to inspire and motivate people through my writing
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I read, play the violin, and paint artwork (mainly impressionistic in Oil)
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I don't remember the exact first one, but I remember one that I wrote in the entrance exam to a good school in Year 8 - it was about a dog in a garden, its thoughts and activities (I gained admission to the school, though!)
What is your writing process?
I start off with a thought in mind of the beginning, and work my way through as I write. For my poetry, this requires shorter bouts of attention - however, for fiction this requires concentration for longer lengths of time. It is sometimes not certain how my story or article will end before I get towards the finish, when I decide the ending of the piece.
When did you first start writing?
I first started writing from a very young age - I used to read a lot too. I used to love the Faraway Tree and the other mystery series by Enid Blyton - used to get lost in the story-worlds. Used to read of goblins and witches, and princes and princesses, and wished that I could live in those worlds. I now write about these worlds, in my fiction works, as well as writing about non-fiction in my poetry. I wish that one day, as in my story books, the world will be a fair and good place, with no room for injustice
Describe your desk
My desk has a computer, and the corresponding modem, a few photos, and a mouse. Sometimes I leave papers strewn on it, but as I write directly on the computer, I do not have wads of paper everywhere. My easel is behind my chair, so that I can paint if the urge takes a hold of me - my study is my nook, where I fashion dreams.
Why do you choose to write?
I loved reading as a child and young adult. The stories of goblins, witches, faeries and elves pulled me in like a drug. Now I wish and hope to create such worlds for my readers. My collections of poetry and other non-fiction are of a more 'serious' nature and reflect my interactions of this world. All my works are written with heart and soul for you.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.

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