Interview with Nicole Coggan

Published 2015-08-17.
How do you approach cover design?
Ohhh, great question. I love clean backgrounds. I look for images related to the book. For example with my Love Astrology book I chose purple and hearts to represent the book. I don't like to over complicate things. Simple fresh images related to the topic work well for me. At the end of the day, I believe it all comes down to personal preference.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
Wow. I love reading so I'm not sure I can stop at just five. The number one best book of all time is The Killing Dance by Laurell K Hamilton. It's in her Anita Blake series but before it went all weird and jumped from the fantasy category to erotica. The second best book of all time is in the same series and it's called The Laughing Corpse.

Aside from the first nine books in the Anita Blake series I really love 'The Burning Shore' by Wilbur Smith. 'It' by Stephen King scares the crap out of me and I'm also a sucker for the 'Twilight' series. Team Jacob!
What do you read for pleasure?
For pleasure it's vampire fiction nine times out of ten. That said it's pretty hard to find the type of vampire fiction I prefer. I loved the Anita Blake series before it turned into erotica and went all crazy. I love my books to be 3/4 mystery solving and 1/4 romance. That's the perfect blend for me.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I don't e-read. Ever. I know, totally crazy but I can't do it. It has to be a paper copy or I can't read it. I look at a screen all day for woek. When I relax for the day, I need the paper version.
Describe your desk
At the moment it's mostly the kitchen table or the bar. I used to have a designated office but it was a waste of space and doesn't really fit with my idea of a minimalist lifestyle. The bar and the table work fine. I'd love to say I can write from the beach or something really cool but at the end of the day I just need a table and somewhere quiet.
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