Interview with William Dean Hamilton

Published 2013-11-28.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
My top book is the Bible. It is kind of an all or nothing thing and for me it is everything.
My second favorite book of all time is A Confederacy of Dunces. The book is very funny and also sad.
Desperation by Stephen King is third in line. God asks a boy,”What is the opposite of faith?’ The boy says, “I don’t know, unfaith.” God answers, “Desperation.” Those lines give me chills, and I did that from memory so it may not be an exact quote. I didn’t separate the paragraphs to keep this answer on one line, BTW.
My third favorite book is Change Your Brain Change Your Life. I have had a few problems with depression in my life and this book was a great help.
My fourth favorite book is If You Could See Me Now, by Peter Straub. It is book that haunts me and I get the feeling that part of it was from real events in the author’s life, except for the ghost of course.
What do you read for pleasure?
My main criterion is that a book is a good, quality book. I used to like horror a lot when I was younger, so I do like to red Stephen King and Peter Straub because I know them and like their work, but I try and read classics.
Describe your desk
Lol, I have a literal desk that I used to sit and write at. but now I have my computer hooked up to my TV, so I write, and am writing this now, sitting on my Lazy Boy looking at a 47” screen. The table next to me is filled with remote controls, pens and notebooks full of ideas that I have written down here or when I wake up from a vivid dream in the middle of the night. I don’t use the old desk anymore unless I have to print something out.
When did you first start writing?
I have liked to write all of my life. I remember writing in junior high and high school, but I don’t think I was very good. I got back into it after I got divorced; I took a look at my life and decided to write again. I have written for the most part ever since.
What's the story behind your latest book?
I used to write horror fiction, but after I was saved I tried to go to nonfiction. I wrote biographies of Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Junior, but with both of them I ran into the same problem. While I was writing the book I found out that things were happening in their career and I felt I had to get the book out quickly. Both (self) published versions were only my second draft. In comparison Would You Do What They Did? Great Christian Leaders From Our Past is my seventh draft, and after it was published it was proofread again, and revised again. Dawn on Lake Tiberias and Other Stories is also the seventh draft.
Previously I had taken a Composition class and learned about creative nonfiction, and loved it. I heard a few stories and decided to make the book. Crosslink Publishing decided to publish the book, but wanted I shorter, I took a few things out, which is where Dawn on Lake Tiberias comes from.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I am a very creative person, and ideas for books always come into my head. I know I will continue to be an author for a long time because I have a lot of ideas for books that I haven’t written yet. I also play guitar and I have a few CD’s out, including a rock opera based on the Book of Job, called The Test of Job.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My children inspire me to get out of bed each day. They are what makes life worth living.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Playing guitar, cooking, driving my kids around and avoiding yard work.
What is your writing process?
I get an idea stuck in my head. Sometimes the idea for a short story is well formed enough that I can just write it down. If not, then I usually let it fester and grow for a while. If it’s a good story it will stick with me and it tends to grow over time. If it is longer then I will make a formal or informal outline, usually, but not necessarily, in writing. For longer writing I will focus on the part I am working on and then write it down. When I am doing descriptions, I try and picture the scene in my head and write down what I see.
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