Amanda Dick


Amanda Dick is a night-owl, coffee addict, movie buff and music lover. She also writes.

She is rather partial to dark chocolate and believes in the power of a good vanilla latte. She has a passion for the colour green (particularly in clothes and gemstones) and insists there is nothing sexier than a man in a kilt.

She spent several months traveling around Europe in her late 20’s (there’s a story there – she’ll get around to writing it one day). After ridding herself of her wanderlust, she met the love of her life (while working to pay off said wanderlust) in Edinburgh, Scotland. They moved in together the week after their first date – so yes, she believes in love at first sight. She also believes in women’s intuition and following your heart.

She writes on her trusty laptop, predominantly late at night, when it’s quiet and interruptions are few. Most of all, she enjoys writing about human behaviour – love, loss, joy, grief, friendship and relationships in general. She loves to put normal, everyday people into situations that will test their boundaries. She is passionately curious about how we, as human beings, react when pushed to the edge.

After living in Scotland for five years, she has now settled back home in New Zealand, where she lives with her husband and two children.

Smashwords Interview

What do you read for pleasure?
Stories that are character-driven, rather than plot-driven. Anything that explores relationships, either between partners, friends, family members, lovers - any story that keeps human emotions at the centre of the wheel is something that I'll naturally gravitate towards.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
My Kindle! A gift from my husband (bless him).
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Amanda Dick online


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