
Publisher info

American Mental Health Foundation Books is the publishing division of The American Mental Health Foundation (AMHF). This exciting new imprint was launched in November 2009 with "The Violent Person" by Harvard clinical psychologist Raymond B. Flannery Jr. In November 2010, four posthumous titles by Erich Fromm were issued. Two of these, "Beyond Freud" and "The Pathology of Normalcy" had never been published before. "The Revolution of Hope" and "The Heart of Man" are reissues of classics. AMHF Books will continue in these directions.

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Dr R B Flannery Jr 'The Violent Person'
Executive Director Evander Lomke describes the first title published by American Mental Health Foundation Books in late 2009. More than 20 additionally have been issued by AMHF Books, including 4 by Erich Fromm (2 reissues, 2 new-posthumous publications): The works by Fromm are available from Smashwords.