Anna A

Smashwords book reviews by Anna A

  • Visionary Tales for the New Earth on Aug. 05, 2014

    I absolutely loved this book. Each and every story is enchanting, fun, creative, and had my imagination dancing. I could feel myself smiling as I read some of the stories contained in the book. It has been quite awhile since a book has captured me the way this one did. You could read this to your kids or grandchildren and have a lot of fun with it. I highly recommend it.
  • Hopi Blue Corn on Aug. 11, 2014

    What a delightful short read! I immediately fell in love with Miguel and really enjoyed reading about his journey. The book does not only a great job of storytelling, but also centers the story around an extremely important social topic that everyone needs to learn about and be aware of. Overall, it is a great read which I am sure you will enjoy as much as I did!
  • Feeding Dragons on May 08, 2015

    What a fun and exciting erotic novel! This was an amazing story, smartly written and it really built the suspense. A very hot and sexy erotic novel that will leave your senses tingling. Catherine's passion for writing shines through in her book. She obviously has a very colorful and creative imagination to be able to write such a story. The plot is well developed, imaginative and flows beautifully. The characters are nicely fleshed out and the relationships and chemistry truly drive the story. I found it to be extremely enjoyable, kept me glued to my Kindle from page one to the end. I absolutely loved it!