Audrey Moore

Smashwords book reviews by Audrey Moore

  • Beyond Redemption - The Forbidden on June 14, 2010

    With all due respect to Mr. Porretto's opinion, not everyone feels the way he does. At least two published authors have very different opinions of Beyond Redemption. At least one of them regularly makes the New York Times bestseller list. I enjoyed reading Beyond Redemption and found the characters interesting and the plot unpredictable. Here are comments from the other authors. “Strong stuff...deserves to be published. I still get a feeling of visceral excitement when I read it." Jack Whyte, author of Camulod Chronicles, Templar Trilogy, etc… "I admire your inventive scope. You've confronted humanity's closest held beliefs and experimented with them, and that takes some considerable nerve. Fortunately, I think you've done it well." "Addressing the aspect of technique, I think you did a good job. Your characters are consistent and believable, your story line is coherent, the pace and environment work together - all in all, it's good." Don McQuinn, author of Gan Moondark series, Captain Lannat series, etc… As you can see, opinions vary. I guess the best thing to do is read the book and make up your own mind.